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我們生活在“數據時代”。數據不應被視為數字浪費,而應被視為“價值創造者”。因此,重要的是我們要意識到與數據相關的力量和風險。管理數據並從中獲取見解以獲取深入的見解,以運行組織,優化流程和管理風險是一項複雜的工作。它需要專門的技能,完善的工具和大量的自動化功能。 AlyData於2020年發起了此數據意識運動,以幫助我們的客戶和潛在客戶了解並欣賞數據管理和分析的重要性。

EPISODE #3 - AI GOVERNANCE: We are living in the 4th Industrial Revolution – which brings together digital, physical, and biological systems. This is creating massive amounts of raw data – whose power must be harnessed. Companies are using Artificial Intelligence to harness the power of data to generate insights and achieve business results.


AI systems present ethical, legal, governance, risk, and compliance-related challenges, which must be managed. Click on the image below to launch the campaign video!!

AI Governance - Critical Capability to Mitigate Corporate Risk

AI Governance - Critical Capability to Mitigate Corporate Risk




第1集(2020年1月2日)-數據超載 到2025年,全球75%的人口將被連接,創建並與數據進行交互。公司應為這種數據過載做好準備。它將創造商機,但也會帶來風險。點擊下面的圖片啟動廣告系列視頻!

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