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After two years of research, due diligence, and writing, our managing partner's book on "Data-Driven Leadership" was released worldwide on Amazon and Kindle in July 2016. The Foreword is by Dr. Kirk Borne, a Big Data expert and the #1 Big Data Influencer on Social Media worldwide, since 2013.



"Data collections are now recognized as a core business asset, a new natural resource, a driver of business change and innovation, a source of increased and/or new revenue streams, a creative force for new products and new markets, and a job opportunity bonanza for those with essential data skills.” - From the foreword by Dr. Kirk Borne 



The Fourth Industrial Revolution also known as the digital revolution is unleashing a torrent of data. Most organizations are seeing their data volumes rise by 30 to 50% each year. This data has to be secured, managed and analyzed to gain deep insights - that can be used for managing risk, making tactical and strategic decisions, improving customer service and innovating new products. Implementing the latest technology or hiring smart people isn’t sufficient. A data culture is a prerequisite to succeeding with data. Leaders must be the change agents and will have to involve people throughout their organization to build a data culture.


Building a data culture is a complex undertaking and requires an in-depth understanding of the data ecosystem, its components, and the interaction between people, process, technology, and data, to deliver business value.


Some areas you'll explore:


  • The opportunities and challenges that Big Data and IOT present?

  • Why data should be your weapon of choice to gain competitive advantage?

  • How are nimbler data-driven companies disrupting traditional rivals?

  • What is Dark Data and why you must manage it better?

  • What is the dark side of Big Data and how it's impacting your organization?

  • Why is data quality "Job #1"?

  • What is the "Golden Square" and why must every leader know and apply it?

  • What steps you can take to win with data?

  • How do leaders develop a data culture within their organizations?

Regardless of the industry vertical you are in or whether you are in the private or public sector - if you are a leader, aspire to be one or wish to influence your leadership team and move up the corporate ladder in the "Age of Data", then this book is for you.


In Data-driven Leaders Always Win, Jay connects the dots across various data management fields and their practical application, using real life experience that he gained while leading enterprise-wide data management programs at the world's largest financial services company. His primary goal is to raise awareness and educate readers about the opportunities and challenges related to the emerging fields of Strategic Data Management and Data Science and why a data culture is critical for success. Being data-savvy and data-driven are core skills for leaders and their organizations in the "Age of Data". 

Our Book is Free, but if you would like to donate a small amount, it will go to a non profit

Data-driven Leaders Always Win - The Essential Guide For Leaders In the Age of Data

經過兩年的研究,盡職調查和撰寫後,我們的管理合夥人關於“數據驅動型領導力”的書於2016年7月在全球範圍的Amazon和Kindle上發行。前言由大數據專家Kirk Borne博士和#自2013年以來,成為全球社交媒體上的1位大數據影響者。

“現在,數據收集被認為是一項核心業務資產,一種新的自然資源,推動業務變化和創新的動力,增加和/或新的收入來源,為新產品和新市場提供創造力以及工作機會的源泉對於具有基本數據技能的人來說是一筆大財富。” -摘自Kirk Borne博士的序言




  • 大數據和物聯網帶來的機遇和挑戰?

  • 為什麼數據應該成為您獲得競爭優勢的首選武器?

  • 敏捷數據驅動的公司如何打亂傳統競爭對手?

  • 什麼是黑暗數據,為什麼您必須對其進行更好的管理?

  • 大數據的陰暗面是什麼?它如何影響您的組織?

  • 為什麼數據質量為“作業1”?

  • 什麼是“黃金廣場”?為什麼每個領導人都必須知道並運用它?

  • 您可以採取哪些步驟來贏得數據?

  • 領導者如何在組織內部發展數據文化?


在數據驅動的Leaders Always Win中,Jay利用他在全球最大的金融服務公司領導企業範圍的數據管理計劃時獲得的現實經驗,將各個數據管理領域及其實際應用之間的點點滴滴聯繫起來。他的主要目標是提高意識,並對有關戰略數據管理和數據科學等新興領域的機遇與挑戰進行教育,以及為什麼數據文化對於成功至關重要。精通數據和數據驅動是“數據時代”領導者及其組織的核心技能。


“部分靈感,部分信息和部分創新,Jay Zaidi的書向業務和IT領導者挑戰,要求他們對組織內數據的作用進行廣泛思考並採取集體行動。他提供了從幾乎所有方面入手的觀點,使數據表現為高價值的企業資產。” – Gartner數據與分析策略副總裁兼傑出分析師Douglas Laney

“作為第一位聘請首席數據官的金融服務主管,我強烈推薦這本書,因為它是任何尋求改善運營,深入了解客戶需求並獲得競爭優勢的主管的必讀書籍。” -房利美(Fannie Mae)前執行副總裁兼運營與技術主管Ed Watson

“數據是將推動業務和法規遵從策略的新貨幣。許多公司疾病的根本原因是如何管理數據。 Jay出色地強調了在數據時代解決複雜問題和實現公司戰略的技術和方法。” -Infinitive Insight首席執行官Ray Vazquez

隨著數據的不斷增長和發展,管理數據的巨大挑戰通常被最小化並被誤解了。成為數據驅動型企業,需要改變組織內部的文化。正如作者Jay Zaidi親身經歷的那樣,這本書提供了有關如何應對一些更重大挑戰的實用指南。我強烈建議所有業務和IT領導者使用這本書,因為數據是我們所做工作不可或缺的!”- Unisant和前CDO的首席運營官Beth Hiatt ,房利美(Fannie Mae)

“企業數據計劃失敗,因為技術團隊無法清楚地交流可以利用其數據功能所帶來的業務價值。傑伊在書中做了出色的工作,通過突破IT部門/企業部門之間的鴻溝技術術語,並清楚闡明將數據作為公司資產進行投資的業務案例。這對於競爭優勢以及確保在當今高度管制的環境中的合規性都是至關重要的。”-紐波特諮詢有限公司常務董事凱西·凱勒(Kathy Keller)

“數據驅動型領導者必須授權其團隊滿足企業對大小數據的近實時分析的需求。在以數據為導向的Leaders Always Win中,傑伊·扎迪(Jay Zaidi)提出了投資基礎功能的案例,例如數據目錄,主數據管理,數據質量和數據治理。新的自助數據工具和方法的出現使企業中的每個人都可以利用數據,做出更好的決策並獲得更好的業務成果。” -Waterline Data首席執行官Alex Gorelik

“數據驅動型組織旨在實現無摩擦的數據處理,以顯著縮短實現價值的時間。在數據驅動型領導者Always Win中,Jay強調了一個事實,即IT和業務團隊可以通過利用新技術並完善其數據來實現其共同目標。管理流程。” -Trifacta首席執行官Adam Wilson

“傑伊·扎迪(Jay Zaidi)在其恰當地命名的書中提出了一個基本論點,即“數據驅動”與擁有大量大數據無關,而與理解和分析所擁有數據周圍的上下文有關。數據,就像任何其他形式的信息一樣,不能從表面取值,而“數據驅動”不僅僅意味著通過您的組織循環數據,還在於確保人們能夠迅速找到正確的數據並將這些數據放在適當的上下文中。” -Alation聯合創始人兼首席執行官Satyen Sangani

“今天,每個組織都從事數據業務,每個業務都需要以數據為導向的領導者。這本書向您介紹了信息管理中最重要和最苛刻的領域,並提供了有關如何使用數據快速崛起並最終取勝的實用見解。 。” -Greg Steffine ,BI戰略家和獲獎作家

“根據阿里巴巴的馬雲(Jack Ma),數據將成為未來最大的生產資料-它將成為水,電和石油等公共資源。這導致了數據管理的範式轉變。在這本及時而有見地的書中,Jay出色地完成了業務案例的概述,並提出了切實可行的步驟來幫助領導者在其組織內發展數據文化。” -ConsultData LLC創始人Samra Sulaiman

The topics you can expect to find: Data Analytics, Data Management, Data Security, Data Governance, Data Quality

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